Doctor G


To inquire about Doctor G’s availability to speak to your company or organization, please call (757) 285-8790 or CLICK HERE to submit an online request (please allow 24-48 hours for a reply).

To schedule a free tele-consultation with Doctor G to find out if you are a fit for his “Fresh Start Weight Loss Program,” use the following link to book your appointment:

After booking your appointment, check your email for a confirmation message. The information you’ll need to dial-in for your session are found in your appointment confirmation email.

Doctor G can also be reached via email at

 Connect with Doctor G

What Clients Say

“Down 42 pounds in just about 4 months and slowly starting to let go of my insecurities and hesitations. A BIG thank you.” 


“I had my doctor’s appointment today…he says I am no longer considered diabetic! Over the past five months I have lost 35 pounds and all of my blood test results are in the normal range now! I feel great! Thank you, Doctor G!”

~Claudia R.

“Since starting to work with Doctor G I feel better in many different ways. So far I have eliminated the diabetes and cholesterol medications I used to take, and strive to eliminate my blood pressure medications too.  I have a more positive attitude.”

~Barbara K.

“I just left the endocrinologist appointment, and my doctor told me not to come back. I feel like I just won the lottery. Thank you so much for your help, Doctor G!”

~Larry B.